Monday, July 24, 2023

Locked in Your Embrace

Locked in your embrace
Wrapped up like a blanket
So warm and safe
Your arms envelope me,
   strong and sure.
With my eyes closed, 
   I can really feel you
Sense the power you 
   have over me.
Your face close to mine
   I breathe you in deeply.
My heart beat syncing 
   up to yours
   No longer two, 
   but one
Where you start and I end
   is unclear
Irrelevant to this moment in time
When our two souls meet,
   transcending possibilities
   defying all odds
   illogical and still so right
Locked in your embrace
I'm transported to a simpler place,
   a happier place
Where time stands still
And two lovers delight in
   each other for eternity. 

The Words

The words came to me in a dream
So sweet and smooth, 
They floated by
Making me smile as I watched
   them swirl around
Reaching out and grabbing them,
   pulling them close
Forming sentences, phrases that sound
   lyrical and poetic
My body moving to their rhythm, 
   not in control, 
   but giving it up to the power
   of these words
Content, satisfied, complete
Their message reverberating
like a gong sending its pitch
   into the universe
The words came to me in a dream
Lost like a faded memory
As my eyes opened to the reality 
   of a new day. 

Friday, June 16, 2023


This is me...
   broken and messy and imperfect
I stand in front of you baring it all
   my vulnerability feeling like I'm
   naked in a crowd.
Don't try and cover me
This is me - don't you see?
The façade I put up is who
   I pretend to be
But not for you; I just want 
   to be me.
I want you to see me, 
   know me, understand me
I'm slowly taking down the walls
   I've built to protect myself
It's scary being exposed
Acknowledging my failures, 
   showing my scars
I stand before you
   in all my glory
   A warrior, a fighter, a survivor
This is me...
   perfectly imperfect
   my brokenness makes me whole
Proud and strong
of how far I've come
to be who I am today.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

353. Lead with Love

Is it so hard to lead with love?
Compassion and empathy should abound
Instead I hear such hateful words
   see violence and anger ...
   directed at what?
   someone who is different than you? 
   someone who loves differently than you?
I listen to stories of struggle, 
   hiding a fundamental aspect
   of one's identity
   Fear of harassment, retaliation, hate
My heart breaks and I wonder
   what you feel when you hear
   the same stories?
How can you stand on your soapbox
   and use words like hell, not welcome, 
This isn't about ideologies, politics, 
   not even religion.
It is about acceptance, safety, belonging, 
I mean isn't this what we all want?
What it means to be human?
To feel heard, to be seen, to be loved
   and to love.
It doesn't have to be difficult
We just have to lead with love. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

348. Dancing

 I feel the music
And I want to move
I feel it deep within me
The bass beats in my bones
The rhythm flows through my body
First my toes start tapping
But soon I close my eyes
And my body sways
My hands raise up to the sky
A smile spreads across my face
And I'm singing along
My body moving
Oblivious to anything around me

Dancing is for me
A way to release stress
Connect with myself again
Feel complete joy

I dance for no one but me
Alone in my kitchen
With my kids in the family room
Or at a club surrounded by strangers

I become one with the music
And nothing, no one gets in-between.

346. Words on Paper

The word are there
All jumbled together
Wanting to come out,
With nowhere to go
The images race
through my mind
A blur of colour
   and emotion
The pen waits ... ready and poised
The paper remains blank
The pages untouched
No blemishes of any kind

Longing and desire are there
An ache of release needed
Clarity, a wish fulfilled

Wanting to make sense of things
A flurry of thoughts wish to escape
And yet they stay stuck
The words on paper do not come


The sun warms my face
And the ocean breeze refreshes me
I dig my feet further into the sand
Close my eyes and take it all in
I hear the birds, the waves, 
   I smell the water, 
   taste the air
I lift my face to the sky
wrap myself in a hug
This is what paradise feels like. 

343. Daydream

Sitting here
Voices and faces
get further away
With the warmth 
of the sun through
the windows shining
on my face
I go to another place
A calmer place,
peaceful and serene
I feel a breeze,
smell the air...
you're there too
Beside me
I feel the 
of your body
the touch
of your hand
A smile creeps
across my face
But I'm brought
back to the
present moment
Jarred back
to reality...
But longing to 
return to 
my daydream

Sunday, May 28, 2023

339. For My Daughter

 I look at you and see your
   beauty - both inside and out
   your compassion, kindness, intelligence
I see your innocence and wonder 
   how much longer until the world
   slowly takes that away?
How do I prepare you?
Warn you of the reality 
   of growing up in a world
   that favours men?
Where you become an object
   of desire rather than the
   whole person you are
Where you're expected to act
   a certain way, dress a 
   certain way
Otherwise you're labeled as 
   emotional, bitchy or a whore
I see you my sweet girl and
   know you will do great things
I'm here beside you, I won't leave
I will help you, guide you, even 
   lead the way as an example
   if needed
And I will definitely be here when
   you feel a little broken each time
   you realize the kind of world women
   have to pave their way through. 

Hiatus (2009-2021)

May 28, 2023

I don't know if hiatus is the right word, but I definitely stopped writing for a very long time.  Or at least stopped writing in my journals of poetry.  There's a huge gap - from January 2009 to pretty much January 2021.  I can't imagine I didn't write at all during these years, but I haven't "found" it in a lost journal and my random musings on sheets of paper are also "lost."

There are a few reasons for this, top of which is life: marriage, work, kids, family, etc. 

Or maybe while I discovered these new facets of my identity, I lost touch with old, reliable ones.  
Maybe it was the pandemic or other deep experiences I had, but writing found its way back to me.  A new journal, new entries, not as frequent as they used to be, but an old comfort that was very much needed.  

I've debated for some time now if I should bother putting up some of my new stuff.  I have gone back and put up some of my old stuff, sliding it in chronologically where it belongs.   A lot of my writing is deeply personal, not shared with anyone, but the 'anonymity' of the internet gives me some separation from my identity here and my life.  (Any posts you see dated 2020 to today were published after this post, but dated to the day they were written.)

Writing is cathartic for me: an opportunity to clear my head, put my thoughts down whether they make sense or not.  At the very least they make sense to me. 

If you've read this, or any of my poetry, thank you.  You've been given a glimpse into my head and also my heart.  Some of my posts on here go back to when I was in high school.  I've changed a lot since then, grown a lot, and hopefully my writing reflects that.  From a headstrong, young girl, naïve and hopelessly romantic trying to make sense of the a headstrong, middle-aged woman, a practical (and still somewhat hopeless) romantic, a little wiser and yet still making sense of the world...this is who I am and these are my words....

Thursday, April 20, 2023

330. My Baby

Today you are another year older,
No longer a baby, but still
   my baby
You will be my lasts for
I try to hold onto you, 
   to savour these moments
   because I know there will be
   no others after you.
I look at you and my
   heart bursts with love
This little boy growing up
   so fast
Wondering each time if this
   is the last time you'll kiss my
   lips, hold my hand,
   call me mommy, giving me a 
   big bear hug, wake up in the 
   middle of the night and
   come to our bed
My Baby ... you will always
   be my baby boy.

Friday, March 31, 2023


 How do we move
forward carrying all that
the past was?
Ears that listen, 
eyes that see
Open hearts and minds
That feel the pain,
understand the hurt
Wanting to know the 

Acknowledgement of
the wrongs
Desires to do better
Looking to the future,
Walking together
Learning, growing
Journeying towards

[This poem was written for a final assignment I had in a course on the history of residential schools.  The task was to create a "memorial" of sorts to my experience of the course. The date is an approximation.]

Friday, February 17, 2023

Story-telling (A Found Poem)

 The danger of single story: 
creates confusion
creates stereotypes
close to the truth?
Many stories matter:
change our worlds
build paths to empathy
open up new worlds
stirred my imagination
Stories matter:
influenced by family and community
security, independence, pride
self-learning process
steps to hope
I’m a story-teller.

[This poem was written as an assignment for a course on the history of residential schools.  It was the result of an activity titled Found Poem, where I was asked to record words or phrases that stood out to me from two different readings.  I was then supposed to create a poem using what I recorded that reflected my ideas and feelings from the readings. The date is approximate since I forgot to write down the date I wrote it.]

Thursday, November 10, 2022

323. Anxiety

 Heart-racing and thumping
   I can feel it but
   can't control it.
The breath shortens, it's hard
   to catch it.
I feel it all bubbling within
   unsure of when it will 
   overflow or worse yet, 
I close my eyes, take some deep 
   breaths, focus on a calm
Maybe my head feels clear but
   body feels otherwise
   In fact my body betrays me
No amount of rational thought
   can slow down the speed
   at which things move right now
Close my eyes
Breathe in slowly
Hold my breath
My heart still races - the flutter
   doesn't stop

Sunday, January 02, 2022

320. (untitled)

 This heavy feeling
weighing on my chest
The constant flutter
   of my heart
The racing, pacing 
   of my breath
      my mind
      my body
Hard to get centered
Difficult to slow it down
Almost impossible to feel
The wavering, faltering
The worry and panic
Everything seems to spin
A whirlwind of chaos
   I can't escape
Searching for the silence
Wanting the calm
Looking for something to
   hold onto
   to steady me
   to bring me peace.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

319. (untitled)

 The sun shining
The feeling of spring is in the air
The air is fresh but a little cold
The earth feels soft as the snow melts
Days like this feel lighter....
The air feels different
My steps are lighter too
I plant my feet to the ground, 
strong like a tree
I close my eyes and lift my face
   to the warm sun
I take a slow, deep breath and
   feel my lungs and bely fill
   with air - 
life giving air, spirited air,
How amazing the crisp air feels
My body feels renewed
My spirit is renewed
I'm grounded and whole

Friday, January 01, 2021

316. (untitled)

A new year begins,
full of hope and promise
This mystery yet to be solved
The unknown not yet discovered.
If anything, this past year taught me:
   time is precious
   life is precious
   togetherness is precious
Things have changed so much
The "new normal" practically erased 
   the "old normal"
What will this year bring?
New opportunities, new changes?
Or a slow return to what was and
   what is missed?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

315. (untitled)

Snuggles, cuddles and pillow fights

Giggles, smiles, and silly faces

Innocence, sweetness, tenderness, love

Silliness, hugginess, kissiness

All wrapped up together in one

That's the love of a child - 

completely unconditional and pure

314. (untitled)

 There's nothing more beautiful than
   freshly fallen snow.
The calm and peace,
serenity and stillness.
A sense that there is nothing else in the 
   world except this moment.
As if waiting with held breaths - 
A new beginning, a fresh start
A vastness of possibility,
Worries vanish in the snowfall - 
Washing away with each snowflake,
lost in the blanket of snow that covers the earth.
A feeling of oneness with nature
Not wanting this moment to end
Not wanting the beauty to be spoiled, 
the snow to be dirtied.
Not wanting the pain and hurt
Just for this moment, nothing else matters
Holding on, let it linger - 
   do not end. 

313. (untitled)

 I caught her eyes as she 
   entered the subway car.
We held the gaze for a brief
Then I watched her take her seat.
The mask covered her face but the 
   sadness was still visible.
Her eyes couldn't hide it - 
   dark brown, beautiful and big,
   but full of sadness.
Her mind seemed far away,
   somewhere else.
Perhaps remembering happier times or
   maybe dwelling on the sadness.
A big sigh as her shoulders heaved,
   as if carrying the weight of the world.
A well formed in her eyes, but did not spill over.
A glance up to the heavens and a shake of her head.
One final sigh before she got up and
   exited the car. 
The cause of her sadness a mystery to me,
   but probably all-consuming for her. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009


The anticipation is killing me
slowly and painfully.
How do you act when things
haven't changed?
What do you say when you haven't
been told?
Time drags slowly on
The second hand moves slower with
each glance.
Everything is unofficial and it's all
so "shh shh."
I want to scream to the mountains
but I want to be sure.
What if they were wrong?
Or what if things changed?
I shouldn't know what I know;
it's all so secret
Even though it's about me.
But what do I do now?
When good news is supposed to be
coming my way -
but I don't know.
And it's almost two days late?
How do I go back to how I was before?
When things were normal,
I was oblivious and happy
As happy as can be.
I had accepted my future
And now this twist of fate
That's supposed to make me ecstatic
Is really just torture and putting
me out of my mind.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

311. Love Poem

This is a love poem.
Unique and special - only for you.
Practical and romantic
Sweet and bitter
True and false

Our lives are perfect
Filled with struggle and hope.
It's been a long time
A moment in the world's biography.

And here we are today
Looking back and walking forward
We can't hold onto those memories
But we can grasp the future
Making new moments to cherish
And leaving each old one behind.

A poem about love
Like any other - for you
Romantic and practical
Bitter and sweet
False and true
Like us.

310. Breaths Held Waiting

The mind wanders, restless.
The hand aches and the legs jitter.
The pen longs to move, but the words
don't flow.
The heart aches for something, anything
to make its beats have meaning.
The purpose exists yet is unknown,
The path foggy and overgrown.
It seems the world is waiting,
Time has paused -
An allowance to catch up
Brief and an eternity....
And things continue on as though
nothing happened,
Nothing changed -
And it proves to be true.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


The guilt is there
Even though I push it out.
It comes back to haunt me,
Never letting me forget.
It's times like this that I hate
having a consciene - y'know?
Words like duty and obligation
echo in my head,
But anger and pain consume
my heart.
What about your duty?
Your obligation?
Is this a two-way street or
a one-way?
Life seems so fine without
you in it.
I don't have to walk on eggshells
when I'm around you;
careful not to set things off.
Do I think about you though?
To be honest - not all the time.
Maybe not even half the time.
But when I do, the guilt returns
And that tiny little voice in my
head starts up again.
I don't think you'll ever be
nobody to me.
But do I really want you to
be a somebody?
Taking a chance that things
might fall apart again.
Old wounds opened,
Scabs ripped off.
Take comfort in knowing that
you're not forgotten.
You're just there - and I'm here
wondering how everything can work.

304. Hung Up

Anxiously waiting for something
My nerves a huge mess
The jitter in my leg driving
others crazy
I got so hung up on this one
little thing
It's quite silly actually
A little embarassing to reveal
Trying to forget about it
But my mind insists on wandering
back to this spot
Driving me crazy
And the others around me
Caught up on this insignificant detail
Consuming everything within me
and around me.


 The song echoes in my head.
A tune that cannot be forgotten
The rhythm makes my body move
The beat runs to my soul.

I close my eyes and see you there
You feel it too
We're both in our own worlds - miles apart
But we move - separate due to distance
Together in our souls.

Will our paths ever cross?
A slight glide by one another
Or an accidental collision because
we weren't paying attention
Because we were so focussed on the music 
Playing in our hearts. 

Saturday, December 01, 2007

302. Growing up is Scary

Growing up is scary.
All these responsibilities,
duties, obligations.
Choices made that aren't out
of want but necessity.
Giving up happiness for security.
Smiling and acting like
everything's fine.
On the inside wanting to
scream and shout,
"It's my life! Leave me alone!"
Treated like a child because
age equals wisdom.
Answering to people who
don't understand.
Growing up is scary.
Becoming a robot,
A machine with no voice,
Not allowed to feel - just allowed
to accept how things ought
to be.


The winds are changing,
There's a shift in the world.
I feel it and sense it
Unsure and wary, I continue on -
Cautious and safe,
Not letting go
Each step I take is different
Sometimes accepting,
At times holding back
Caught in a limbo that doesn't
seem to end
I'm stuck - should I allow it,
go forward.....
Or resist?
Fighting with all my might to hold
on to what I know,
what's safe and comfortable -
what's sure.
It's scary out there.
Can I do it alone?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Lost Poem (from 2003?)

I stand here waiting
for you -
Looking around for
some sort of clue.
I did nothing wrong,
My feelings are justified
You walk by me like
I don't exist
Not even acknowledging
my presence -
Let alone looking in my direction.
What is the matter?
It's the second time you've
ditched me today
What am I supposed to do?

Friday, November 16, 2007

298. Have You Thought?

Is she the right one for you?
I mean really - have you thought
about it?
What draws you to her?
Are you ever bored?
She doesn't quite entertain you -
does she?
You can do better -
can't you?
Time together can only mean
so much
If that time becomes meaningless,
emotionless, drab
Think closely about it
Before you do anything drastic -
It's not just your life you'd be
screwing up
But hers too -
And possibly many more.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

297. Release

This nagging little voice in
the back of my head.
Can't shake it, can't ignore it,
Won't shut the hell up.
Getting louder and louder,
My sanity getting drowned
Emotions being bottled up,
dying to be let out
Suppressing them, ignoring
them - all about to explode
About to lose it, trying to
regain control
The voice gets louder
Drowning out my thoughts
Losing my mind
Can't take it anymore -

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

294. Untitled

At first glance
Nothing catches my eye
In fact I walk right by
Life keeps going
And nothing changes
It's only till now that things
start to feel different
I no longer keep walking,
I stop and stay awhile
I even catch myself staring
I can't put my finger on
what has happened
Was it something inside me?
Or perhaps .....?
Myabe not.
I'll take it one day at a time.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

292. Untitled

This never-ending cycle,
A rollercoaster going up and down.
I can't catch my bearings
Ground myself to something sturdy.
Once I think things are going smoothly
And I can know what to expect
Another twist or turn sends me
into a downward spiral
I can't stop or turn around
My life is like a yo-yo
Our love is a see-saw
You pull yourself down leaving
me hanging in the air
Out of control
With no way to regain it
Just left wondering
On this torturous journey
of no end.

Monday, March 21, 2005

291. This is I

Yeah...this is me,
Don't you see?
I've been this way
For as long as I can remember
Since I just was, y'know?
You can't come along
And disagree
Like you have more
Knowledge and authority
Than me
What would you do if
Someone came along
And tried to change
A fundamental part of you?
I can't see you liking it at all.
And I don't like it either.
This is who I am -
Whether you like it or not.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

290. Too Long

It's been so long
Have I lost my touch?
It's all so familiar still,
with a touch of sadness.
The pencil strokes come easily
But it doesn't make sense.
There's a hint of longing
but no comfort
The scent of the paper
stirs no emotion
Maybe it has been too long
The words no longer flow
There is no ease nor fluency.
Desires are strong yet useless
with no inspiration
What has happened to me?
Where is my passion, my ability to write.....
Faded away with the passing months
Leaving a void, an emptiness
that may never be filled.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

289. Untitled

The waiting is excruciating
Killing me slowly as each
second passes by
I don't know what to expect;
I can only fear the worst.
I have no clue what you're thinking
Or what thoughts are running
through your head
All day I hoped you'd call -
Just to hear your voice
Last time we talked didn't go too well
Who knows what will happen next...
I don't know how much more
I can take
But the time is dragging by so slowly
And my stomach is in knots
You're so far away from me
And I just want you near
Please come home to me....

288. Untitled

Heart wrenching turmoil
Disgust, lies and despair
Confusion all around me
Hope lost and found nowhere
Where do I go from here?
Perhaps only time will tell
I'm not strong enough to do
this on my own
I fell apart last night you know....
Decisions to be made - what should
I listen to?
The heart has failed me already
And has completely taken over my brain
Half-committed isn't good enough for me
I deserve better than that - don't you see?
The pendulum swings back and forth...
The clock ticks the time away...
What a waste
And I feel so lifeless
I'm empty inside -
With no more left to give.

Friday, December 26, 2003

287. Untitled

We look at each other
But what do we see?
It's been so long, I wonder ....
Perhaps it's better not to
For I might wander upon
the truth.
That is something we both
don't want.
If the truth be known
Would we still be here?
Could we look at each other
the way we used to?
The way we do now?
Probably not.
How can you look at me
and tell me the things
you do
While knowing the things
you know?
I don't want to think about it -
It's best to forget
Because if not - a decision
must be made
And although logically that
decision is obvious
My heart won't let me budge
I'm not ready ...
I look at you and wonder
if things will change
'Cause I don't think I'll ever
be ready.

286. Untitled

Time passes on
But for some it goes
They're stuck in a
Can't look past it
Don't wanna move
beyond it
Who dares to dream?
Dream in a world of
shattered dreams.....
Of hopes lost and
chances gone.....
It's so mundane -
Life no longer lives...
only exists
Time passes on;
Do you notice?

Friday, September 05, 2003

283. A Story Part I

This is a story
A story of me ...
and you
It started some time ago
By chance perhaps;
Some ironic twist of fate,
Causing our worlds to collide
I wasn't ready ... were you?
Quickly the plot thickened
Sending us places I least expected
Each moment warrants a page
of its own
With its own flavour and style
Each day is a new thrill
Sometimes bad,
more often good
It seems as more of the
story is told
More questions arise
More confusion reigns.
How far into the story
Must we be before some
clarification happens?

282. Down to the Bone

Down to the bone
It pierces and hurts -
like no pain before
I don't know what to expect
Initially it was excruciating
But then it felt so good
It became an addiction
I couldn't stop
My only goal was to go
deeper each time
And each time it hurt
more than before
But each time made me
crave it more
Down to the bone
I went
digging and scraping
further and further
Till it penetrated and I
could do no more
but watch.

Friday, May 30, 2003

278. LIFE

The clouds rolling across the sky
Taking all sorts of shapes and sizes.
The imagination runs wild....
Then I see it - us -
we're there too.
It's starting to become
more clear,
Unfolding like a story.
I know everyone, the places
the objects -
everything is familiar
The pages turn - faster and faster,
But what is the purpose of it all?
I follow it along - waiting, anticipating,
Guessing all wrong
Some things are surprising, while
others are old habits
It's hard to keep up now -
Things are flying by
I try to focus - but everything
is blurred - I'm losing sight
Then there's a call - life -
telling me to live it.

279. You - in the distance

You're in the distance -
so far away
I smile watching you -
wondering what you're doing
I could call out -
but it'd be pretty loud
And everyone would hear
You're blocked now by the post,
Crouching in the sand like a child...
What's holding your attention?
I wonder a lot about you -
All sorts of things,
I can't say what exactly
You're so far away, all by yourself...
Are you happy there?
You start walking back - towards me perhaps?
I can only hope so,
'Cause I'm only starting to think so.

276. Revenge

The taste so fresh in my mouth -
Sweet and satisfying
Refreshing even - I want more
The sensations linger on my tongue
The taste buds craving more and more
The satisfaction I get is so filling -
but a void remains
Can this void be filled?
Nothing seems to be enough
Once it's tasted, the flavour is
Imprinted in the mind as heaven
Revenge is sweet, but
is it good?
To live one's life
Wanting to seek it
over and over again -
A void that can never
be filled.

277. Untitled

You cry out to me -
In pain perhaps?
Do you want help?
I hear your voice, but
I don't understand
What do you want
from me?
I have nothing, you know?
But you persist, you don't give
up - not for a moment
Your voice is constant,
yet it changes
I can never decipher what
it all means
Leave me alone please
I can do nothing.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

275. PAIN

It starts from the bottom
slowly, but surely
Determined, it progresses
steadily and confidently
It's encompassing and
Excruciating yet pleasurable
Screams that can be seen
but not heard
Anguished and wrenched
It's far now - halfway there
It's really bad
Almost intolerable
Still, it continues
Nothing stops it
Faces twisted in
such agony -
Who will notice?
The pain is unbearable
It's taken over
Exhaustion sets in now
It's over.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

274. Untitled

Drip, Drop
Drip, drip, drop
Drip, drop
drip, drip, drop
The pattern is nerve-wracking
I'm going insane
Wanting to pull my hair right
off my scalp
And scream at the top of my lungs
Everything is like clockwork -
Tick, tock, tick, tock!
Can't anyone be different?
Act different?
Look different?
Everyone wanders through life
aimlessly, lifelessly ....
Hopelessly waiting for something
that will never come
Splish, splash -
The sound of nothing new
Looking for change,
a glitch
Will it ever come?
Or is my hope nothing
as well?

273. FOR YOU

It's all for you - can't you see?
The sacrifices, the pain
Most importantly the heartache
I'm bleeding.... all over everything
It's quite messy, you know?
Everything is bright red, soaking
and dripping -
But I can't see it.
They can, but you won't.
Everything is starting to numb now
I can feel it .... or I'm losing feeling.
Either way, I know.
But you just don't. The obvious runs
right by you - missing you totally.
Maybe it's too fast for you, but you
don't ask it to slow down.
It's ok - just know it's for you;
All of it
Just know it as you squeeze
it from the mop and
it taints the water
a dirty red.

272. Untitled

The pencil's lead falls between
the grooves of the sheet
As if following a path travelled
before - revealing things
once said, yet never known.
What is it that calls us forward?
Out of the shadows and into
blinding white light -
Squinting and turning away -
Protecting one's eyes; body even
recoiling back to the dark
What is this thing that causes us
to act as so?
I hear it; you see it -
No one speaks it though
It's weighing us down -
You must feel it too
We can't escape it.....
I try - do you want to?
It's so hard.....escaping.....
no more.

Saturday, December 14, 2002


I'm so tired ....
My brain hurts ....
My eyes droop ....
My heart aches ....
My voice is nowhere
to be found.
I see a light in
the distance,
Blurry and dim -
but there.
I've been walking
forever -
The sand hurts my eyes.
The wind blows my hair.
My legs are numb -
Can I do it .... ?
The collapse is coming ....
I feel it ....
It's overpowering me -
consuming body ...
But hmmm....
somewhere there's
inner strength ....
Before it's too late.