Sunday, December 02, 2007


The guilt is there
Even though I push it out.
It comes back to haunt me,
Never letting me forget.
It's times like this that I hate
having a consciene - y'know?
Words like duty and obligation
echo in my head,
But anger and pain consume
my heart.
What about your duty?
Your obligation?
Is this a two-way street or
a one-way?
Life seems so fine without
you in it.
I don't have to walk on eggshells
when I'm around you;
careful not to set things off.
Do I think about you though?
To be honest - not all the time.
Maybe not even half the time.
But when I do, the guilt returns
And that tiny little voice in my
head starts up again.
I don't think you'll ever be
nobody to me.
But do I really want you to
be a somebody?
Taking a chance that things
might fall apart again.
Old wounds opened,
Scabs ripped off.
Take comfort in knowing that
you're not forgotten.
You're just there - and I'm here
wondering how everything can work.


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