Wednesday, April 14, 2004

289. Untitled

The waiting is excruciating
Killing me slowly as each
second passes by
I don't know what to expect;
I can only fear the worst.
I have no clue what you're thinking
Or what thoughts are running
through your head
All day I hoped you'd call -
Just to hear your voice
Last time we talked didn't go too well
Who knows what will happen next...
I don't know how much more
I can take
But the time is dragging by so slowly
And my stomach is in knots
You're so far away from me
And I just want you near
Please come home to me....

288. Untitled

Heart wrenching turmoil
Disgust, lies and despair
Confusion all around me
Hope lost and found nowhere
Where do I go from here?
Perhaps only time will tell
I'm not strong enough to do
this on my own
I fell apart last night you know....
Decisions to be made - what should
I listen to?
The heart has failed me already
And has completely taken over my brain
Half-committed isn't good enough for me
I deserve better than that - don't you see?
The pendulum swings back and forth...
The clock ticks the time away...
What a waste
And I feel so lifeless
I'm empty inside -
With no more left to give.