Saturday, April 21, 2001

187. Belonging

Standing on the outside,
looking in -
I realize something
does not belong;
Doesn't quite fit in.
An awkward silence fills
the place,
But no one knows why.
They look at each other -
Long gazes - searching
and guessing,
But not really knowing.

I walk in,
Choosing to take a stand -
All eyes fall on me.
I look them all in their eyes -
Challenging them -
Scaring them.

Then I know -
It is I who does not belong.
It is I who shouldn't
be here.
Even on the outside,
I knew,
Sensed it
But didn't want to accept it.

I tried, and I did
not succeed.
I had to back down
But I know that
Searching -
I shall find, challenge,
And even belong.


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