Thursday, April 19, 2001

185. Something Missing

'Handle with care' it said -
for she was a fragile one.
'Breakable' it said -
As she was.
Still, he did not heed
And was reckless.

"I'm precious," she thought,
"A diamond in the ruff."
But he did not see.
"Look inside," she said,
"It's so much greater."
But he did not hear.

Careless and thoughtless
he was,
"Be gentle," one said.
But he did not feel.

Now he sits alone,
Full of angst and emotion
But he's too late.
He did not handle with care
And he broke her.
He lost hsi percious diamond,
Only now realizing how great
she truly was.

He is no longer reckless
He now sees and hears
He now feels -
feels the lack of care he
showed long ago,
feels the emotions that
used to be locked
deep inside
Feels the love she didn't
get kill her
And the love he no longer
has kill him.


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