Monday, September 21, 1998

41. You

 It's you that keeps me up at night
Filling my head with nothing but you
You're all that I think about,
You're all that I dream about.
My mind is constantly working,
thinking of you
I think of your hair, imagining it 
entwined in my fingers.
I think of your eyes, so blue and clear;
Imagining them lighting up when I walk in the room
I think of your laugh, and the way you smile
Now if only that smile was for me.
I think of how there could be a 
"you and me"
It's you I love, it's you I need
If only it's you that knew.

Sunday, September 20, 1998

40. Why?

 Why do I feel this way?
Why is it whenever you are near - 
I have nothing to say?
Why do I have all these fears?

Why am I so terribly shy?
When we both go home
I don't have the guts to say good-bye.

I know I like you - but why is that?
Do you like me - why don't I know?
See ing you dance, wearing your
backwards hat,
Made me want you so much more.

Why cant love be simple?
Then I'd like you and you'd
like me.
Together we'd be an item - so happy.
Oh, why isn't it so?

Friday, September 18, 1998

39. The First Night

I lie here thinking of that first night
That first night as a twosome
We could no longer fight the feelings
surging out of us.
The feelings that meant so much more
than friendship.
It was extra special that night when 
I was with you.
I got to see a side of you never before seen.
The side that's romantic and sweet - the
perfect boyfriend material.
A candlelit dinner that you cooked yourself,
A nighttime stroll in the park.
Watching the sunset and counting the stars
(The North Star is now named after me.)
And of course the kiss that ended the perfect
night - one so gentle and sweet.
I like here thinking of how things got worse
How I lost not only a boyfriend, but my
best friend.
And I'll forever think of the first night. 

38. Your Kiss

Walking along the beach, under
the sunset, hand in hand
I gaze up into your crystal blue eyes
Wondering if it will happen.
Scared, shy and so nervouse
Wondering what to do if it does
You stop so I stop and turn as you turn
The moment has come and you start
leaning in -
Only to be interrupted bya clap of
thunder and a noisy seagull
The moment is lost and you drive me home
Standing on my front porch,
I wonder what to do next
As the rain starts falling around us
I say bye and turn to go in.
You grab my hand and turn me aroun
You tilt my chin up and look longingly
into my deep brown eyes
I close my eyes and our lips meet
And I'm forever lost in the kiss -
your kiss.

Thursday, September 17, 1998

37. Boredom

 Being home while
Our teachers are on strike
Repeats on the tv are
Enough to drive one mad
Dreaming of going somewhere
Only to find out you're stuck at home
Mainly there's nothing to do