Tuesday, December 29, 2020

315. (untitled)

Snuggles, cuddles and pillow fights

Giggles, smiles, and silly faces

Innocence, sweetness, tenderness, love

Silliness, hugginess, kissiness

All wrapped up together in one

That's the love of a child - 

completely unconditional and pure

314. (untitled)

 There's nothing more beautiful than
   freshly fallen snow.
The calm and peace,
serenity and stillness.
A sense that there is nothing else in the 
   world except this moment.
As if waiting with held breaths - 
A new beginning, a fresh start
A vastness of possibility,
Worries vanish in the snowfall - 
Washing away with each snowflake,
lost in the blanket of snow that covers the earth.
A feeling of oneness with nature
Not wanting this moment to end
Not wanting the beauty to be spoiled, 
the snow to be dirtied.
Not wanting the pain and hurt
Just for this moment, nothing else matters
Holding on, let it linger - 
   do not end. 

313. (untitled)

 I caught her eyes as she 
   entered the subway car.
We held the gaze for a brief
Then I watched her take her seat.
The mask covered her face but the 
   sadness was still visible.
Her eyes couldn't hide it - 
   dark brown, beautiful and big,
   but full of sadness.
Her mind seemed far away,
   somewhere else.
Perhaps remembering happier times or
   maybe dwelling on the sadness.
A big sigh as her shoulders heaved,
   as if carrying the weight of the world.
A well formed in her eyes, but did not spill over.
A glance up to the heavens and a shake of her head.
One final sigh before she got up and
   exited the car. 
The cause of her sadness a mystery to me,
   but probably all-consuming for her.