Friday, May 30, 2003

278. LIFE

The clouds rolling across the sky
Taking all sorts of shapes and sizes.
The imagination runs wild....
Then I see it - us -
we're there too.
It's starting to become
more clear,
Unfolding like a story.
I know everyone, the places
the objects -
everything is familiar
The pages turn - faster and faster,
But what is the purpose of it all?
I follow it along - waiting, anticipating,
Guessing all wrong
Some things are surprising, while
others are old habits
It's hard to keep up now -
Things are flying by
I try to focus - but everything
is blurred - I'm losing sight
Then there's a call - life -
telling me to live it.

279. You - in the distance

You're in the distance -
so far away
I smile watching you -
wondering what you're doing
I could call out -
but it'd be pretty loud
And everyone would hear
You're blocked now by the post,
Crouching in the sand like a child...
What's holding your attention?
I wonder a lot about you -
All sorts of things,
I can't say what exactly
You're so far away, all by yourself...
Are you happy there?
You start walking back - towards me perhaps?
I can only hope so,
'Cause I'm only starting to think so.

276. Revenge

The taste so fresh in my mouth -
Sweet and satisfying
Refreshing even - I want more
The sensations linger on my tongue
The taste buds craving more and more
The satisfaction I get is so filling -
but a void remains
Can this void be filled?
Nothing seems to be enough
Once it's tasted, the flavour is
Imprinted in the mind as heaven
Revenge is sweet, but
is it good?
To live one's life
Wanting to seek it
over and over again -
A void that can never
be filled.

277. Untitled

You cry out to me -
In pain perhaps?
Do you want help?
I hear your voice, but
I don't understand
What do you want
from me?
I have nothing, you know?
But you persist, you don't give
up - not for a moment
Your voice is constant,
yet it changes
I can never decipher what
it all means
Leave me alone please
I can do nothing.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

275. PAIN

It starts from the bottom
slowly, but surely
Determined, it progresses
steadily and confidently
It's encompassing and
Excruciating yet pleasurable
Screams that can be seen
but not heard
Anguished and wrenched
It's far now - halfway there
It's really bad
Almost intolerable
Still, it continues
Nothing stops it
Faces twisted in
such agony -
Who will notice?
The pain is unbearable
It's taken over
Exhaustion sets in now
It's over.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

274. Untitled

Drip, Drop
Drip, drip, drop
Drip, drop
drip, drip, drop
The pattern is nerve-wracking
I'm going insane
Wanting to pull my hair right
off my scalp
And scream at the top of my lungs
Everything is like clockwork -
Tick, tock, tick, tock!
Can't anyone be different?
Act different?
Look different?
Everyone wanders through life
aimlessly, lifelessly ....
Hopelessly waiting for something
that will never come
Splish, splash -
The sound of nothing new
Looking for change,
a glitch
Will it ever come?
Or is my hope nothing
as well?

273. FOR YOU

It's all for you - can't you see?
The sacrifices, the pain
Most importantly the heartache
I'm bleeding.... all over everything
It's quite messy, you know?
Everything is bright red, soaking
and dripping -
But I can't see it.
They can, but you won't.
Everything is starting to numb now
I can feel it .... or I'm losing feeling.
Either way, I know.
But you just don't. The obvious runs
right by you - missing you totally.
Maybe it's too fast for you, but you
don't ask it to slow down.
It's ok - just know it's for you;
All of it
Just know it as you squeeze
it from the mop and
it taints the water
a dirty red.

272. Untitled

The pencil's lead falls between
the grooves of the sheet
As if following a path travelled
before - revealing things
once said, yet never known.
What is it that calls us forward?
Out of the shadows and into
blinding white light -
Squinting and turning away -
Protecting one's eyes; body even
recoiling back to the dark
What is this thing that causes us
to act as so?
I hear it; you see it -
No one speaks it though
It's weighing us down -
You must feel it too
We can't escape it.....
I try - do you want to?
It's so hard.....escaping.....
no more.