Saturday, December 14, 2002


I'm so tired ....
My brain hurts ....
My eyes droop ....
My heart aches ....
My voice is nowhere
to be found.
I see a light in
the distance,
Blurry and dim -
but there.
I've been walking
forever -
The sand hurts my eyes.
The wind blows my hair.
My legs are numb -
Can I do it .... ?
The collapse is coming ....
I feel it ....
It's overpowering me -
consuming body ...
But hmmm....
somewhere there's
inner strength ....
Before it's too late.

265. Black Hole

Is that you I see?
Are you looking my way?
Nah - that can't be so!
I turn away, but find myself
coming towards you.
It's like there's this magnetic
field -
You're negative and
I'm positive.
Is there any way to reverse this?
Do I even want to?
I look all about me -
searching for some way out
Still, I end up looking ahead -
What is going on?
You're devouring all of me
in this black hole
you've created.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

261. The Brick Wall

I sit here
Staring at you
Only the view
is becoming
less clear.
You are being covered
up by something -
I can't tell what.
I move to another side -
In hopes of seeing better.
Only you turn - and you
start covering yourself.
Wherever I go - you're
building something up
around you.
Why are you doing this to me?
Wait - where are you going?
I can't see you anymore -
That last brick and you'll be .....
Gone - and I'm on the
other side trying to get in.

260. Burn in Your Eyes

I'm struggling with things;
I don't know what.
On one hand you consume
my mind,
On the other I struggle
to push you out.
This is too dangerous;
This isn't right.
But still - I can't shake
it off.
I can't stop thinking about it.
This is playing with fire -
I can start feeling the burn.
Will I turn to ashes
Or burn vibrantly
in your eyes?