Wednesday, November 28, 2001

221. Untitled (xxxvii)

You ask if I wish you
were dead,
When you should know
that's not true.
I may not show how
much I care,
Especially when I'm
so angry with you.
All the pain you caused
the family,
All the pain you caused me
It's all hurt and anger inside
I don't want to see you
Or hear from you either.
Just give me time to heal
my open wounds
And the scars of so many
times passed.

Friday, November 02, 2001

218. One Life or the Other?

What possesses people to be so greedy?
To desire things strictly for them,
To be so selfish?
What causes people to have such
cold hearts?
To show no emotion nor care
for another?
They strive to be the best,
So easily forgetting all the rest
In the end, what can they say?
"I have a big house, expensive
car, and a lot of money in
the bank."
How 'bout the deeds you did,
The people you helped,
The hearts you touched,
The mind syou stimulated?
What about them?
How about you?
Was your life wasted in vain
or did you do so much more?