Monday, September 24, 2001

215. Untitled (xxxv)

"I think I'm falling in love
with you."
That's what you told me.
Why did you say it?
Couldn't you just hold me?
It's too early in the game
to tell -
What if things don't go
so well?
You tried to change what
you said,
But that won't change all
the thoughts running
through my head.
You say it's a long fall -
Why don't you just hit your
head against a wall?
For at least I'd know what
to do -
What's implied in a fall -
But a crash?

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

214. Horror

How can one escape the horror
that fills everyday life?
One feels safe and secure
doing the 'everyday routine,'
But outside, on the streets -
Atrocities occur.
How long can one blindly walk
Turning heads to 'hide' the horror?
How long can one pretend that
everything is ok?
That nothing is going wrong?
A perfect life is bound to have
a flaw -
When will it be revealed?
One can always say, "I'm fine,"
But there's torment deep inside.
How many bad things must happen
Before one's eyes are finally open?
Before heads are turned and bowed,
Only to gasp:
"Oh the horror, the horror!"

Saturday, September 01, 2001

211. My Journey

I am about to embar on
a very important quest;
A journey that is sure to
last awhile
I'm all packed and ready
to go,
But am I well-prepared?
Alone and with determination
I must work
Till my due rewards come.
Most of my travels will be
dark, dreary and uphill,
But as long as I follow
the light
And stay focused,
It should all be good.