Saturday, July 25, 1998

35. Hope, Faith and Glory

Hope, faith and glory -
Three things you could never buy.
Hope, faith and glory -
It can make you laugh, it can make you cry.

Hope is something that you want;
Faith is what makes you believe;
Glory is the outcome -
The joy, the happiness and sometimes grief.

Hope, faith and glory -
Three things you could never take away.
Hope, faith and glory -
Three things that could never fray.

Hope, faith and glory -
They're never split apart.
Hope, faith and glory -
Always kept safe in your heart.

Thursday, July 23, 1998

34. Broken Promises

You told me you'd do something
but you never pulled through.
You said, "I promise," but I guess
it wasn't true.
Promises are meant to be kept
But when you broke them,
I wept.
How can I trust you?
How can I believe you?
I'll always have the past in my mind
when you say, "I promise."
I'll always be thinking what if .....
All this becase of a lie .....
Because of broken promises.

Tuesday, July 14, 1998

33. The Day II

 I admire you from afar, or as close as can be.
Just the sight of you makes me want to melt.
You smile, I smile back.
Your clear blue eyes, piercing into my 
Dark brown ones,
Leaves me like putting in your hands.
I only wish for the day when we can 
actually meet.
That day will be my chance to sweep
you off your feet.
Maybe then you'll feel the same thing I've
felt since I first saw you.
That's when I'll be able to really look into
your eyes, not just the eyes of 
But that'll all have to be your call.

32. The Day I

 I admire you from afar, or 
as close as can be.
Everywhere I am, you are too.
Is it possible you feel the same way?
You smile, I smile back.
It makes me want to melt.
Your crystal blue eyes pierce into
my deep brown ones.
I wonder if you feel the same thing I do.
I only wish for the day when we can 
actually talk.
Maybe then things will change between us.
When every other girl around is 
oblivious to you;
When you only see me. / And I'm all you see.