Friday, August 01, 1997

10. Nick Carter

Your bleach blonde hair,
your clear blue eyes,
Your tall handsome figure.
Oh sometimes I feel like I
could just scream!
You're wonderful talents:
singing, dancing, drumming,
Sum it all up.
You're great, you're wonderful
You're number one in my heart.
Just one question that can't
bare to go unanswered:
Why don't you rip off your shirt
and bare it for me?

9. Backstreet Boys

Looking at posters and pictures of you.
Admiring the wonderful things you do.
Dreaming, screaming, showing my support.
Hoping, wanting to meet you with all my heart.
Another girl, in another crowd, at just another concert
In other words, much simpler words; just another fan.
One in a thousand, or maybe a million.
Just one in another bunch.
I see you, but do you see me?
Your five faces stand out in a crow,
But mine will just blend in.
That's how it will always be 'cause you're famous and I'm not.
So, I know that I can live on fantasies of being with you.
But that's all they'll ever be - fantasies
And that's all I'll ever be - a fan.
And you - you'll always be the ever popular,
ever famous, ever gorgeous BACKSTREET BOYS
(whom everyone loves so much).