Friday, April 25, 1997

5. Friendship

To have a friend is
to be a friend.
Always there for
one another
Always having a shoulder
to cry on.

That's why when I first
met you
I knew you were the one,
The one that would cheer me up
The one that would reverse my frown.

After all you've done,
There's only one thing
(left) to say:
You're a wonderful friend
And I hope it stays this way!

Thursday, April 24, 1997

4. Life

Life is such a simple thing,
Yet it's great by far.
For in a second your life can change
Taken away just as it was given.

Life is taken for granted,
never really appreciated.
Not one life is the same,
They're all so unique.

You never really realize
what you ahve
Till it's gone.

So even if it seems life sucks,
Live it to its fullest
And be glad you got to live
life at all.

3. Untitled

How can I say this?
I don't know where to start.
Right from the beginning
You captured my heart.
Like is such a weak word
but love is so strong.
How do I tell you this?
What am I doing wrong?
Not once did you know it,
Not once did I tell,
But all I can wish and hope for
Is that my dreams will come true
That you are the one that's meant for me.
That all along it's been you.
(And I am the one for you.)